Somatic Experiencing


Healing Is Natural

Your own system possesses an innate capacity to free itself.

Somatic Experiencing ®, is a proven, short-term, naturalistic approach to restoring the body’s inherent capacity to self-regulate. Its methods are based on a substantial and growing body of scientific research.

Somatic Experiencing (SE) engages your mind, your heart, and your body in conscious conversation with each other. SE employs awareness of physical sensation (the language of the body) to help you renegotiate traumatic patterns that have become “stuck.”

Somatic Experiencing was developed specifically to treat trauma. Trauma is whatever the person’s mind, heart and body do not have the resources to deal with, leading to being overwhelmed. Trauma that doesn’t get to go through everything it needs to go through in order to heal gets stuck, and we get stuck with it. However, our conscious mind rarely if ever has any idea that has happened. Therefore it’s crucially important to be able to work directly with the non-verbal, implicit language of the body and the nervous system.

Fundamentally, SE brings body and mind into harmony, helping you develop the internal space to experience your feelings as a gentle stream instead of as an overwhelming flood. SE’s integration of bodily sensations, thoughts, emotions and actions makes its positive effects profound. It is naturally organizing at the deepest levels of your system. By design SE is gradual, non-invasive, restorative. It is grounding, expanding, embodying, integrative.

Artwork by Peony Yip
Art by Peony Yip

SE is not something you have done to you; rather, we work together as equal partners, with full understanding of what we are doing and how it works every step of the way. Maintaining a foundation of safety and security, we follow your body’s pace, respecting its inherited natural wisdom. Understanding unfolds in embodied (not solely intellectual) experience. As long-unspoken experiences find voice, uncannily knots begin to unravel themselves and practical changes happen in bottom-up process.

Personal Sessions for Somatic Experiencing Trainees

I am an active Advanced SE Assistant, and I support trainees with personal sessions through the Advanced level. I will honor the standard and scholarship rates set by your training.


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